Medical Appointments: Working With Your Health Care Professional

man talking to woman doctor

One of the most important relationships you’ll ever have is the one you’ll develop with your health care professional.

But it’s not just about listening to what you’re told, it’s about asking the right questions — 和 asking again if you don’t get the answers you need.

记住: Open communication builds trust. And if you feel like it’s not happening, get a 第二个意见. 不要害羞,继续问. If you need help finding a health care professional, check out these helpful tips on finding the right health care professional 为你.

Take part in decisions about your treatment, follow the treatment plan you 和 your health care professional agree on, watch for problems 和 be actively involved in solving them to reduce your risk of 心脏病 和 中风.


Feel a twinge or just have a sneaking suspicion that something’s not right? If you’re like millions of others, you may start looking online before you visit a health care professional. It’s important to know how to sort the authoritative science 和 medical advice from the junk. Instead of r和omly searching, start with credible resources 和 learn to be a “smart searcher” when looking online for medical advice.

And whatever you do, don’t self-diagnose. 我们知道:这很诱人! Instead, rely on a trusted healthcare professional.

Make the most of your medical visit

Headed to see your health care professional for a checkup? It’s easy to get overwhelmed 和 tongue-tied. Preparing for medical visits can help you feel more in control of your health. The questions on that page cover most of the important topics you should discuss with your health care professional, such as heart 和 中风 health, 饮食, 减肥, 胆固醇, 高血压, 体育活动, quitting cigarettes 和 tobacco 和 medication.


How often should I get screened? 年龄有关系吗?? Screening tests can be an important part of your medical care, but you may wonder why you need them. 这里有一些 常见筛选测试 you may want to ask your health care professional about.

Finally, if you’re not satisfied with what you’re hearing from your health care professional, 征求第二意见. If you’re conflicted about which advice to take, ask yourself: ‟Which plan makes the most sense, involves the least risk 和 focuses on the medical issues that are most important to you?”
